
Call for fintech developer agencies

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November 25

4 min read
Call for fintech developer agencies

We are calling all fintech developer agencies to help Rehive clients build integrations and custom features on the platform.

About Rehive

There is no better time to focus and build! Rehive is a white-label fintech app builder. We make it easy for new fintechs and marketplaces to launch financial services. We offer a full white-label wallet solution for iOS, Android, and the web that supports bulk payouts, buy & sell, invoicing, in-app purchases, send & request payments, and more. Create a sandbox project or try the pre-configured demo here.

While Rehive is ready to go out of the box, our clients often need custom development services to help them with local integrations or special feature development. This may require solution scoping, design, backend development, frontend development, quality assurance, app hosting, and end-user testing. We are looking to partner with selected development agencies in multiple regions that can help our clients build faster and reliably.

We are building up a directory of agencies that we’ll match with prospective clients on a case-by-case basis. This is an initial phase to start working closely with agencies while we are preparing our open marketplace for Rehive Extension Developers.

Applications for the Rehive Development Ecosystem are open on a running basis. Apply here.

How to apply

  1. Complete the application. We will let you know if you qualify as a Rehive Development Partner within 20 business days.
  2. If you are selected you have to complete a training session. We will let you know within 10 business days if you have reached the minimum expected level to qualify as a partner.

How to maintain your partner status

  1. A representative from your team has to complete monthly training and update sessions to stay up to date with the latest developments. Training exercises can be done in your own time and will take no more than 120 minutes per month.
  2. You have to create a Starter subscription of $25/month to remain an active partner. This way we can keep you informed about updates in the system.
  3. We will introduce you to prospective clients on a case-by-case basis via email. All clients will be introduced to at least three prospective agencies to get a competitive quote for their needs.
  4. Your agency will have a direct contract with the client.

Minimum application requirements

We will review these requirements in the application process:

  • Prior experience building any type of payments, crypto or banking application or integration with third parties.
  • 1-on-1 initial training session is required.
  • Minimum 10 full-time engineering resources in your team.
  • Frontend Engineers should have 2+ years of experience in React and React Native development to qualify for frontend development work.
  • Preferably experience in Python and Django to leverage existing open-source projects from Rehive.

What type of services might be required

The most common type of requirement is doing custom integrations with local providers to take care of compliance, on/off ramps, custody of user funds, brokerage, and cards. These types of integrations typically require multiple pieces of work: scoping, UX design, web and mobile development, backend development, testing, and maintenance. In most cases, clients have already identified who they want to integrate with. However, sometimes part of the work is to review and select suitable vendors/partners.

More advanced projects might entail building custom features to support interest-earning accounts, lending collecting, specialized rewards triggers, external order book, shared account functionality, recurring payments, timed payments, pulling data for advanced metrics and more.

It is easy to build on top of Rehive’s APIs. Premium subscribers also get access to Rehive’s white-label software license if they want to make frontend customizations on the web and mobile applications. As an agency, you can leverage the source code as a template for custom work, while pulling updates from Rehive periodically.

It is important to note that if you do any custom development for a client on the mobile application you or the client have to take over the app store hosting and maintenance. The same applies to the web application and custom domain hosting.

👉 Applications for the Rehive Development Ecosystem are open on a running basis. Apply here.

👉 Create a sandbox project.

👉 Try the demo app

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