White-label Web Wallet

Responsive white-label web wallet and payments application

No-code configuration, customizable branding, and integrated with Rehive Platform and Extensions. Get access to the front-end application codebase to customize.

Customizable white-label digital wallets and fintech apps

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Built in React

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Configure your own branding

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Integrated with Rehive Platform and Extensions

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White-label Hosting on your domain

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White-label Application License

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Rehive Test App included

Web app send flow illustration


Easily flip between multiple currencies and accounts

Send and receive

Send to email, mobile, username or cryptocurrency addresses

Currency conversions

Buy and sell currencies directly from the app

Earn rewards

Earn rewards for completing tasks and making transactions

Web app products screen and illustration

Portfolio balance

View your total portfolio balance in your preference currency

In-app purchases

Buy products directly from the app

Online checkout

Authenticate on partner website or scan to pay online

Scan to pay

Easily scan QR codes to make a payment

Other Features

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Secure authentication, password management, two factor authentication, touch ID and pins.

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Configure SMS and email notifications for all transactions and user activities.

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View, filter and export detailed transaction data.

Powerful Extensions

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Make it easy to convert currencies from the app.

Streamline onboarding

Customize branding

Configure key payment features


Craft powerful campaigns to reward users for completing actions that matters to your business.

Manage rewards campaigns

Customize and control limit

Configure unique triggers

conversions icon


Make it easy to convert currencies from the app.

Configure currency pairs

Customize rates and fees

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Offer in-app products for sale to purchase digital and physical goods.

List items of the marketplace

Manage product availability

Set up key payment features

Hosting and licensing

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Test App

Try out Rehive Test App on your web browser.

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White-label Software License

Subscribers get access to single-use the front-end application codebase.

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White-label Hosting

Web Hosting is optional for subscribers.

Frequently asked questions