Demo apps

Try out Rehive's white-label application and admin dashboard demo environments or create your own test project.

The demo credentials below are for different types of users: individual, business, and admin.

illustration of people holding devices with Rehive app
dashboard mockup


Use the following demo credentials:

App ID: demo
Email: [email protected]
Password: demo1234

*Note: this is a view-only demo account

merchant web app mockup

Merchant App

Use the following demo credentials:

App ID: demo
Email: [email protected]
Password: demo1234

iOS app mockup

iOS App

Use the following demo credentials:

App ID: demo
Email: [email protected]
Password: demo1234

android app mockup

Android App

Use the following demo credentials:

App ID: demo
Email: [email protected]
Password: demo1234

web app mockup

Web App

Use the following demo credentials:

App ID: demo
Email: [email protected]
Password: demo1234

sandbox app mockup

Sandbox App

Get started immediately and create your own app to play around with.

Frequently asked questions